From Kia to Corvette!... (2)
Today I want to tell you a true story about my friend John (name changed to protect the innocent ;-).
For several years now John has been struggling to hold down a job, and has been on and off unemployment.
John has expressed an interest in getting his own business started on many occassions. And I've always encouraged him as well as offered my help.
John is always making comments like, "Man, Bryan, must be rough - you've got a beautiful wife, a nice house that's paid in full, a new Corvette, a great income...Why do you have all the luck?"
My answer is always the same: "It has nothing to do with luck, John. It's all about coming up with a PLAN and taking ACTION."
John is a lot like me - he LOVES his video games. He LOVES his home entertainment system. He LOVES watching movies and listening to music. He LOVES going out and having fun.
Yet there is one BIG difference between John and I. I made a CHOICE to get out of my dead-end job and paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. This choice involved doing a couple critical things that contributed to achieving my goals (and achieving them much faster than I had ever imagined). Here they are...
1. I put together a written PLAN, and took ACTION on that plan:
Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about any fancy, full fledged business plan. What you should do is write out your goals (whether financial or otherwise), and then write down how you intend to go about achieving those goals.
Keep in mind your plan does NOT have to be even remotely close to perfect. At first, there's a good chance you won't even know exactly how you're going to achieve the goals you've set forth. But do your best to start with...Then as you go along, you can modify and change your plan as needed. In other words, your initial plan should NOT be set in stone, but rather it should be a "living plan" that you can mold and adjust to suit the direction of your business.
My initial plan was nothing more than: "I'm going to make six-figures a year as an information marketer - mainly selling information products on the web." Pretty basic, 'ey? (But of course, it became more specific as I went along.)
Now, obviously you can come up with the most "fool proof" success plan imagineable, but it's completely worthless unless you take ACTION. I'm not going to beat this point to death, because I'm sure you've heard it before. But I will say this:
My friend John came up with many ideas and plans for success, but to date has not taken serious ACTION on a single one of them! And as a result he's still living paycheck to paycheck in a modest apartment, driving an old beat up car... There is no doubt in my mind that John could be enjoying the same lifestyle as me right NOW, had he simply decided to take ACTION on one of his ideas 6-12 months ago. He's literally CHOSEN his current path.
Until John decides to CHANGE his habits, he'll continue getting the same results he's had all along.
2. I sacrificed SOME of the non-productive (fun) things I enjoyed doing, in favor of "working my plan" and building my own business a little each day:
Did you know that the average adult spends 30 hours every single week watching TV? Imagine taking even HALF that amount of time and investing it in building your own business.
Here's the thing to remember, short-term sacrifices lead to LONG-TERM rewards!
...These days, I could easily go back to watching all the TV I want, but ironically since I got out of the endless-TV-watching habit, I've found much more productive AND enjoyable things to do instead.
I wish I could HAND John my motivation and my desire to succeed. I've offered him my help time and time again, but I won't DO IT FOR HIM. I can only help those who are willing to help themselves. Ultimately the desire to succeed HAS to come from John.
And here's the thing that quite honestly perplexes me: Unlike you, John actually SEES (in person) the rewards I've gained through starting my own information marketing business (rather than just hearing about them through this newsletter).
The guy has actually DRIVEN my new Corvette - what more proof or motivating factor can you ask for?!
I mean, I know how it is. You're reading this training course - you may have visited my web-site. But you haven't seen my LIFE TRANSFORM right before your very eyes like John has. I'm quite honestly stumped as to why he isn't breaking down my door BEGGING for my help, and spending his every waking moment toward getting his OWN information marketing business up and running.
I guess maybe some people are happy with mediocrity (or less)?...Maybe John is one of them? But according to the many "down-and-out" phone calls I get from him, he's ANYTHING but happy. I truly believe that anyone who settles for "average" (when it comes to just about anything) is only *cheating* themselves, and will NOT be as happy as they could otherwise be!
Back when I was working my day job, do you realize how EASY it would have been for me just to settle for mediocrity - to come home from work, grab some Cherry Coke and Doritos, and plop down in front of the TV?! And believe me, I was often tempted to do EXACTLY that. (But instead, I'd take that Cherry Coke and those Doritos and "plop down" in front of my computer - so that I could get down to business! =)
If I'd *continued* on that all-fun-and-no-sacrifice path, I wouldn't have a shiny black Corvette C5 sitting in my garage right now, would I?!
And the thing is, I chose a business (information marketing) that I'm really passionate about - so even the "sacrifice" I'm referring to wasn't as bad as it might sound. (...And even if it HAD been "that bad", looking back I'd still have done it - because the *end result* is definitely worth it!)
I should note that I'm NOT saying this stuff to brag. I'm about as humble as humble gets. I'm sharing what I've accomplished because I sincerely believe that YOU or virtually anyone - even my friend John <grin> - can achieve the same (or better!) by simply applying the basic principles I'm revealing throughout this course.
If you're ready to TAKE ACTION by starting your own information marketing business, I urge you to read my fr=ee report (including my exclusive 5 part FORMULA to information marketing success) available here:
4/13/2008 05:10:00 PM | Labels: Small Business |
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