I Want To Create My Own eBook - How Do I Come Up With A Fantastic, Eye-Popping Title?
by: IMGuides
Do you already have a fantastic title written down for your ebook? No? Well, a good title will get noticed.
A GREAT title will grab readers by the throat and pull them into your sales opportunities.
In this article we will touch upon a few related tasks you will need to master to help you choose a title that will do some of the promotional work for you. It will look like an endless task, but it can be mastered the same way we all master anything...one step at a time.
You probably already have some idea about what you're going to write about. Your ebook title is the first thing your potential customers will see and it has to get their attention, make them read the sub-title and, then, read some more.
Picking your title is a very important step; one that truly contributes to the success of your project. Every time someone sees your title on affiliate websites, on specific forums relevant to your topic or in your email signature, it is effectively an ad for your ebook.
You want your ebook title to stand out and catch the browsing eyes of online browsers. If your title makes the potential customer stop and take a second look, you have a chance for a sale. If they skip over it, they are gone for good.
Choosing a catchy, interesting name is another creation process that has a few guidelines that, if followed, will focus you in the right direction.
The first point to remember is to make your title as specific as you can and direct it to a tightly defined target market. Specific titles will capture and hold your customer's attention long enough to read the next line of your sales page.
If you haven't done this already, decide who your customers will be. Who's going to buy your book? If you don't know this, you won't find your customers and they won't find you.
Using a keyword tracking tool can tell you how many people are searching for information on your subject. You select the keywords that are specific to your topic, enter them and see the results. Two useful resources are Wordtracker and Google Adwords: Keyword Tool. Check them out.
If your topic is "Square Dancing," for example, you would pick three or four words that directly relate to your topic...words that anyone looking for information on "Square Dancing" might use in a search engine. Entering "Square Dancing" in Google returned 170,000 related websites.
Now there's a gigantic resource you can tap to see what other authors and marketers are using for titles. Get your ideas where you find them! (Ideas cannot be copyrighted)
But, the topic "Square Dancing" is way too broad and non-specific to be effective for your ebook. You would need to identify what aspects of square dancing you are writing about in your ebook and focus on that in your title. Some suggestions, for this example: "How To Start A Square Dance Club Of Your Own" or "Don't Be Square At A Round Dance." See what I mean?
The whole message here is Focus, Focus, Focus! You will get that same message from any of hundreds of successful Internet Marketers. You're getting it free here.
Here's one last point before we move on to another aspect of creating your all-important title. Write down all ideas that pop into your mind when you are doing normal things, like watching TV, walking around the grocery store, dusting the books in your family room. One of them might be gold.
The last aspect of title creation is considering whether or not you need a subtitle. While your ebook's main title might be short and specifically focused to grab attention, a subtitle will answer the question, "What is this ebook all about?" or "Why do I need to read this?"
NEVER FORGET that those two questions really mean: "Why do I need to BUY this?" Answer it with your subtitle and provide the benefits the reader will find inside your ebook.
Here's the emotional question that's behind all decisions to buy anything: "What's In It For Me?" Answer that in your focused title and benefit-rich subtitle and you will make sales beyond your belief. Think about it. How many things do YOU buy if you don't need it or want it?
Here's something to keep in your mind:
Once you have a sales page for your ebook, be sure to add your signature to the bottom of every email you send out, even to family and friends. That signature should include the title of your ebook (hyperlinked to the sales page) and a few words that press your reader's curiosity buttons.
For example, if your title is "35 Fun Things To Do With A Radish," your signature line might read, "What do YOU do with radishes?"... ( your ebook title, hyperlinked ). This signature would catch the reader's attention, puzzle him some and, get a click to your sales page to find out.
Most email programs offer the option to add a signature to the emails you send out. It's all dead space at the end of your email; don't waste it.
By now, your head should be full of ways to create and use your ebook title to promote yourself and attract customers. You should understand the importance of subtitles in marketing your ebook. You know how to use your everyday email replies to spread the word about your new ebook. If not, try going back and reading this article again ;)
This entry was posted on 6/11/2008 08:19:00 AM You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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