The Online Business Reality
by: Arvinder Jeet Singh
According to a recent Harris poll, 72% of American households are thinking about starting a home based business. This is quite frankly a staggering statistic. Almost three quarters of Americans are unsatisfied with their current employment situation for one reason or another. Many of these unsatisfied workers are turning to the Internet to fuel their work from home dream jobs.
Quitting the never ending rat race is a personal decision that many work from home entrepreneurs face. Their reasons for wanting to work from home vary. Some people find that they simply have no other choice but to work out of their home office. Perhaps they have to take care of their elderly parents or their children, or they themselves are house-bound. Some people are retired and find that finally having an opportunity to spend time in their own home is a huge comfort and joy. Even college kids, stay at home spouses, and those recently downsized are finding that the Internet is simply the best option for starting and running a profitable home based business.
Working from home is a serious commitment that all entrepreneurs should consider. However, they must be aware of the negatives and risks of the Internet. The Internet is fraught with get rich quick schemes. It is also overflowing with misleading business building hype and flat out work from home lies. Any program or opportunity that promises big bucks with little work is a fraud. Proper research and common sense should eliminate many frauds and scams. Developing a solid Internet business requires partnerships with strong and professional companies.
Building a real business, no matter what kind of business, requires hard work. That's the bad news. The good news is there has never been a better time to start a business from home because the Internet makes it a low-cost and low-risk venture. Building an online business or work from home business does not require massive amounts of start up capital. With that said, it is possible to over spend on your business simply by neglecting the research.
Learning about web hosting companies and traffic building strategies in the beginning of your work from home business plan is a tremendous positive step. There are many web hosting companies that offer cheap domains and seemingly endless features. The problem many web entrepreneurs face is they invest in the wrong web hosting company at the start up phase of their business. They soon discover that they have not built an online business. They have simply built an online brochure that sits unvisited by the millions of web surfers. Now they must invest more and more money into building a bigger and better site, or paying a firm to optimize their web pages, or paying a search engine to display their ads.
A web business that sits unvisited is not a business at all. Online entrepreneurs know they need an income to be successful. They also realize that building an online business is a series of steps. They must rank well in the search engines by providing excellent content filled web pages. In return for ranking so well, the search engines send droves of targeted customers to the online business. Now that the online business has customers, it can begin to develop a relationship with them. It warms the customer by creating a welcoming and personal feel. All of the great information and the atmosphere of the website will build a trust between the business and its customer. It is this relationship of that leads to profitability.
Forget the long string of classic work at home dead-end jobs like envelope-stuffing and telemarketing. Use the Web to build something terrific that excites you, a business to be proud of, that you own, and that earns you substantial income. Working from home rewards entrepreneurs in so many ways. If you are interested in an online business or a work at home business, you must be smart enough to do the research. You may receive a free step-by-step guide to building your online and work at home business by visiting the author's website.
6/24/2008 08:57:00 AM | | 0 Comments
In a child's education an important factor is the parents' expertise for this "job". No one is born holding all the knowledge, but we can learn and understand some things from books or advice from qualified persons.
Amongst the commandments a parent should strictly follow are the following:
- Do not underestimate your child – he can understand more than you think he does and if you make him believe you think poorly of him this might affect his development.
- Don't use threat – a child loves a challenge and once threatened he might probably go on and do what he wasn't suppose to just to see if he can escape the punishment.
- Do not bribe your child – if you are trying to get him to learn for money for example, he will fail to understand the importance of learning, all he will get from this is the importance of money.
- Do not make a small child promise something – small children can't hold promises so don't force them to lie and then punish them because they did that.
- Do not keep them under a short leash – to grow up normally children need some space, some freedom.
- Do not use big words or too many words when you are talking to your child – keep your ideas simple and concise so he can understand every thing you have to say.
- Do not expect an immediate and blind obedience – it is not recommended, the child has to be learned to think for his own not to follow orders.
- Do not indulge him too mush – he can develop compartmental disorders.
- Do not compromise when it comes to the rules of a game – the trick for a game to become educative is too have its initial rules respected.
- Don't impose rules that don't go with the age of your child.
- Do not try to inflict quilt – quilt is not an appropriate feeling for children, especially if they are little.
- Don't give your child orders that you don't take seriously – your child will try to please you and giving him an order is drastic, and it becomes cruel if that order is a joke.
All these "commandments" are addressed first to the parent. But they are to be referred to by teachers and educators as well. Along with the parents, they will settle upon an attitude and strategy for the education and growth of the child, so that they can give him all the things he needs to properly develop emotional and physically.
6/23/2008 10:19:00 PM | | 1 Comments
Adsense referrals 2.0, where the honest earns
Its been a while since google adsense team have officially anounced for their release of adsense referrals 2.0 to all Adsense publishers. While checking my daily totals a tip in green box came that my account has been upgraded to Adsense Referrals 2.0.
- Expanded product inventory: While many of you have had success referring one of our Google products, some of you weren't able to find a product that fit the context of your site. Referrals 2.0 offers products from thousands of AdWords advertisers, so you can find the right ads for your sites.
- Category and keyword targeting: With thousands of products available, it can be difficult to decide which ads will perform best on your site. That's why we give you the option to refer products by category and keyword. You can narrow down the types of ads you want to display and let AdSense figure out which ones will perform best on your site. Whether you want ads for a specific category, advertiser, or product, referrals 2.0 will give you the control to decide.
- Ad unit optimization: It can be tricky picking the best ads for your site, so we've included ad unit optimization for referrals. When you create a new referral ad unit, simply select the Pick best performing ads option. We'll then compare your selected ads to other relevant ads, and serve the ads we expect to perform best on your site.
- Better targeting for pages with multiple themes: With standard contextual targeting, ads may not match up directly with the text around them if there are a number of themes on the page. With referrals, you can select unique "keywords" for each ad unit to narrow the targeting directly to the theme you want. Better targeting means higher earnings for your site.
- Greater compensation for high-quality traffic: Since referrals are paid on a cost-per-action (CPA) basis, your traffic matters. If the traffic you send to advertisers is more likely to turn into a completed sale or lead, you will earn more with referrals.
- Add your seal of approval: Unlike AdSense for content ads, our program policies allow you to make specific references to referral ads on your site. If you endorse the product that you are referring, feel free to let your users know. By adding your personal review of the products you refer, you can help your users make more informed choices.
And now a very non-geeky version..
1.Relevant Advertisers
I can choose ads and also know their paying price which is not the same for Adsense for Content
2.Let me chose the ad
I can display an image/banner/text referral(subject to availability) of any advertiser I want and can personalise the ads look n' feel.Also the ad doesn't change if the option is unchecked.
if you are a publisher involved in fraud practises like clicking on your own ads, there's not much for you here because here the site visitor will have to do a certain action which is in most cases joining that site/ buying something from them which mean you need to spend a few bucks which frauds can't afford
4.High Paying
I have found a service{can't disclose name} which is agreeing to credit my account with ~60$ if I refer one visitor to use their services.What about that! To be frank I can't earn that much in a month by adsense for content
6/18/2008 07:09:00 PM | | 0 Comments
Abang vs Ayang.... Saper yang salah agak2nya...
memula skali ayang anto kat abang?
Dear abang,
Ayang nak mintak kebenaran abang untuk bawa anak-anak balik ke kampung. abang tak perlu hantar ayang sebab ayang mampu untuk bawa anak-anak ke kampung musim cuti sekolah ni dengan bas.. abang jagalah diri abang dan kereta abang baik-baik... cuma ada perkara yang ingin ayang luahkan disini... kereta baru abang tu mahal.. harga mencecah 100k barangkali.. sebab tu abang sayangkan kereta abang lebih dari ayang.. sampaikan abang dah terlena dalam kereta abang tu sejak abang beli 3 bulan yang lalu dah masuk 3 malam... abang sayangkan kereta abang lebih dari ayang, nak tau ngape?
Harga kereta abang tu lebih mahal dari wang hantaran yang ayah ayang letakan masa kita kahwin dulu.. cuba hantaran ayang lebih mahal dari harga kereta abang?
Tiap-tiap pagi abang mesti gosok kereta abang, nak nampak berkilat..tapi ayang nak dapat kiss g.morning pun susah .
Sejak beli kereta tu, sebulan sekali macam-macam aksesori abang beli kat kereta, ayang nak dapat hadiah besday setahun sekali pun susah..
Kereta sebulan sekali abang servis, abang kata kena jaga maintainance...ayang nak dapat pi salon setahun sekali pun susah..
Kereta abang make up lawa-lawa.. tapi kalau ayang make up lawa-lawa abang kata ayang tak sedar diri kereta abang bagi makan minyak mahal-mahal cecah 100 setin pun ada, ayang nak makan pizza sekeping jer masa mengidam anak kedua kita abang kata ayang mengada-ngada.
Kereta abang kalau anak-anak sentuh sikit bodynya abang marah anak macam nak makan, ayang jatuh longkang besar boleh abang gelak
Paling menyedihkan.. ayang tanya ngape tidur dalam kereta? abang jawab takut orang curi kereta abang.. kalau ayang kena curi??
Ayang nak balik kampung dulu.. anak-anak nak jumpa atuk dengan nenek depa.. tak nak naik kereta abang takut calar.. ayang calar takpe.. jaga diri elok-elok, sarapan ayang dah sediakan. ayang pi tak lama sekolah bukak ayang balik lah dengan anak-anak.. pesanan ayang..
ni abang lak bagi....
Dear Ayang,
Bukanlah abang sayang keta tu lebih dr ayang.. tapi ayang kene faham keta tu keta bos abang. Nanti kalau ilang sapa nak ganti.. ayang abang suruh keja ayang xnak, ayang kata nak dok umah jaga anak,nak siap kan sarapan nak kemas umah tapi ayang tiap2 hari bgn tido kul 12.. macam mana nak wat keja umah..
Cuba lah ayang pk mana x abang tido dalam keta.. abang balik keja lambat skit ayang dah kunci pintu..bukan nye abang gi foya2 kan abang gi keja...lagi satu pasal piza yang ayang ngidam tu.. ayang nak piza yg di oder dr jepun.. mana lah abang ada duit nak oder.. abang nak bg apam balik yg jual kat depan ofis abang ni ayang xnak, ayang nak jugak piza dr jepun.. nasib baik abang x belikan kalau x anak kedua kita tu mesti muka cam doremon..ish xnak laa abang..
Pasal hadiah kan abang dah belikan tapi abang sembunyi kan kat dapur.. ayang yang tersalah buang ingatkan sampah... tulah abang suruh kemas umah tu ayang kata umah kita dah bersih tapi hadiah dgn sampah pun dah jadi serupa jek..hadiah tu mahal tau abang beli untuk ayang..
Sebenarnye abang sayang ayang lebih dr keta tu wlau pun hantaran masa kita kawin cuma rm8k..ayang x tau bpe kali abang turun naik bank nak wat loan rm8k..tapi demi ayang abang wat jugak..
sebab masa tu ayang kalau mekup memang sebijik maya karin.. tapi sejak ayang wat rebonding 3 tahun lepas setiap kali ayang mekup abang terbayang lak muka pontianak dalam citer phsm.. bukan ayang tidak cantik tapi kening ayang tu gi cukur wat per.. walau pun abang selalu cukur janggut abang tapi ayang tidak payah laa nak cukur kening ayang tu...pasal morning kis tu, ayang bgn pun dah tghri nak morning kis cam mana.. dah laa ayang.. abang malas nak citer..
Tapi abang nak bg tau jgk kat sini ayang tetap no 1 dlm hati abang..nanti kalau naik bas tu bebaik.. ayang nak balik kpg abang izinkan Cuma jgn lupa kim salam kat mak ayah kat sana .. kalau ada gulai tempoyak ke nnti jgn lupa bwk balik skit..
Kalau ada lembu terlepas ke ayang xyah laa susah2 gi kejar lembu tu... biar jek.. nnti abang balik kpg abang kejar kan ..bukan apa takut lembu tu tanduk ayang nnti bukan stakat calar jek silap2 leh masuk hspital. abang kene tanduk xpe..
Jaga anak2 baik2 jgn bagi diorang main kat sungai musim2 banjir ni.. nak dpt anak bukan senang takut nnti ayang ngidam lagi piza jepun lak lagi haru.. baik jaga jek yg dah ada tu..ayang pun jaga diri baik2.. jgn sampai jatuh longkang lagi.. hehe.. abang mmg xnak ketawa masa tu tapi nak wat cam mana ayang jatuh kepala dulu yang masuk longkang..dah laa rambut ayang masa tu baru lepas rebonding.. mmg abang ketawa...hahahhahahahahha
6/16/2008 05:46:00 PM | | 0 Comments
Complete Social Bookmarking Guide
By: Jim Olivera
Definition And Concept
Social bookmarking is a technique by which internet users store, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web pages on the internet with the help of meta data. In a social bookmarking system, internet users save links to web pages that they want to remember and/or share. These social bookmarks are generally public, and can be saved privately, shared only with specified people or groups, shared only inside certain networks, or another combination of public and private domains.
Unlike storing bookmarks in a folder on your computer, tagged pages are stored on the Web and can be accessed from any computer. It is often called as "The real-time Web, organized by you." Web sites dedicated to social bookmarking, such as Flickr and, provide users with a place to store, categorize, annotate and share favorite Web pages and files.
Social Bookmarking And Web Traffic
Social Bookmarking and Increasing Web Traffic was recently the number one topic in the Net. All communications and information networks are benefiting from the concept of social bookmarking. There are many such services available nowadays that are free and popular. It is a very simple process that any online marketer can put into action and start seeing almost immediate results from their small efforts! The time it takes for this process is probably about 10 minutes or less for each.
If your website has more people bookmarking it, your rankings will go up and it will drive more traffic to you, thus it makes sense to work with others doing the same thing to advance both you and them.
Useful Guides
Below are some useful guides to launch an effective social bookmarking campaign:
1. Make a list of the best social bookmarking sites around. Select a social bookmarking network. Select it carefully after proper research. A popular social bookmarking network will be better. You will have more visitors to your pages in such networks.
2. Start Tagging Start tagging what catches your eye the most. The most important feature of social bookmarking sites is that the "tag" websites that you visit to make a network with sites of similar interests by using keywords which are provided to make the linkages to such sites easier. This will make you popular and known in the network.
3. Submit your content to your list of social bookmarking sites. You will receive tons of targeted traffic, increase your sales and grow your mailing list at a faster rate - all for free!
4. Make it popular Make your social bookmarking site popular among the readers. Bookmark important and interesting information and allow readers to use them. The more useful you are the more popular you will be
5. Advance Option If you have the tools, try submitting using multiple account user. Ensure that you use different IP address and stagger the submissions. This is to ensure that your tagging will not be detected as spam. Please note that this is only for experienced users.
Article Source:
6/13/2008 07:26:00 AM | | 0 Comments
Website Linking Explained.
By: Tom Dahne
A link in simple terminology is just like how many folks recognize you or linked with you inside your society or globally.
Whilst we talk about a site, here a link stands for how many websites are linked with your website. Correct link exchanges can be a significant factor in acquiring a good search engine ranking and also known as an off-page SEO technique.
You'll be able to link your website with different sites by placing a link within their site or by putting the links of other peoples websites in your own sites. The following are a few common techniques utilized for link exchanges or link popularity:
One way linking, Two way linking, Three way linking or Reciprocal linking which option should you use on your websites.
There are two types of links which we could acquire through link exchanges, the first one of all is a superior link and the second one is a quantity link.
Superior Link: acquiring a link inside a quality website, which is having extremely relevant content and as well a good Page Rank, is called a quality link. 10 quality links are a lot more beneficial then 50 quantity links.
Quantity Link: Quantity links are links which you will be able to get easy through the free directories, unsuitable websites and free link directories. Quantity links are not as good as quality links.
Below are a few major things to keep in mind when exchanging links:
- The sites with who you exchange links with should be extremely relevant to your site.
- Websites should be unique in addition to having good content which is relevant too.
- Websites should not have more than 20 links on that particular page on which your link will be shown.
- The link page ought to be indexed in Google and in all additional major search engines too.
- The link page ought to be cached in Google and in all additional major search engines as well.
- The link should directly go to your site in stead of through any extra redirection technique.
- Your links anchor text ought to be a little bit descriptive in stead of merely containing a single keyword.
- Your hypertext or links anchor text should be meaningful and should apply a suitable knowledge about your site or service.
- Your links title ought to be followed by a meaningful and positive site description.
- Attempt to avoid linking through software it will be better if performed manually.
Always try to acquire quality links rather than quantity links, whenever your sites link is placed in a good quality website is passes on more importance to your website. Because as far as search engine rankings are concerned the off-page SEO is the most crucial boosting element for your website.
Therefore, try for quality links to make your site more popular in addition to making it more visible for Internet users.
Article Source:
Article Written By: Tom Dahne Tom Dahne is also the owner of the very popular Link Directory that invites webmasters to submit their sites for review and inclusion for free in Link Directory, visit and
6/13/2008 07:19:00 AM | | 0 Comments
List Building Tanpa Autoresponder?
by Henri
Sejak beberapa bulan yang lalu saya memulai mengumpulkan list. Menurut kata para pakar-pakar internet marketing: "The money is in your list". Saya pikir-pikir, benar juga kata mereka. Namun ini tentu saja tidak semudah kedengarannya. Orang-orang yang tergabung dalam list kita tidak akan sekonyong-konyong menghasilkan uang begitu saja buat kita. Sebelum list ini dapat menghasilkan buat kita, tentunya ada perlakuan khusus kita kepada anggota list kita.
Perlakuan ini bertujuan agar mereka merasa nyaman dan mendapat sesuatu yang berarti bagi mereka jika mereka subscribe ke list kita. Jika mereka sudah merasa nyaman dan percaya dengan kredibilitas kita, maka jika suatu saat kita menawarkan sebuah produk (yang terbaik tentunya) kepada mereka, maka mereka akan membeli produk tersebut. Hal ini selain karena produk itu memang bagus, namun yang paling menentukan adalah karena kita yang menjualnya. Jika kredibilitas kita sudah dipercaya, maka mereka pun dengan senang hati membeli produk itu. Namun yang terpenting: jangan menjual produk yang jelek ke subscriber kita.
Untuk memulai list building ini tentunya memerlukan modal, yaitu Autoresponder. Autoresponder ini akan mengirimkan email follow up ke tiap subscriber kita secara berkala sesuai setting kita. Autoresponder profesional biasanya memasang tarif bulanan, mulai 9$-20$ per bulan. Rekomendasi yang sering saya terima adalah menggunakan Aweber, GetResponse dan EmailAces. Namun saya sendiri menggunakan Norabots.
Setelah beberapa saat menjalankan list building, seorang teman menawarkan sebuah sistem list building yang menurut saya bagus sekali, yaitu MVS. Jika kita mempunyai situs MVS, kita bisa membangun list, dan list kita juga bisa membangun list nya, dan otomatis list yang mereka peroleh juga akan menjadi list kita. Jadi semacam multilevel, namun yang diperoleh adalah leads.
Bagi pemilik MVS, keuntungan yang diperoleh adalah semakin banyak member yang membangun list, maka list pemilik MVS ini akan terus bertambah dengan sendirinya. Enak bukan? Tentu saja, karena pemilik ini yang mengeluarkan biaya bulanan, maka itu jika ada nilai lebih yang didapat, itu wajar…
Namun apakah keuntungan bagi member yang subscribe ke MVS ini? Tentu saja, mereka juga bisa membangun list mereka, tanpa perlu membayar sepeserpun. Member bahkan bisa mengirimkan email sampai ke 10 level kedalaman. Member juga tidak perlu repot-repot membuat squeeze page (halaman untuk menarik subscriber), karena sudah disediakan oleh pemilik MVS. Inilah keunggulan MVS jika dibandingkan Autoresponder biasa. Bahkan bagi member yang sudah memiliki Autoresponder berbayar seperti Aweber, GetResponse dan EmailAces, mereka dapat meng-integrasikan Autoresponder ini dengan sistem MVS, jadi setiap list dibawah mereka akan masuk ke database Autoresponder mereka. Jadi dalam hal ini, antara pemilik MVS dan member sama-sama untung, yang bahasa sono nya Win-win solution.
Lalu apakah ada keterbatasan bagi member yang gratisan ini? Iya, member hanya dapat mengirimkan email follow up ke subscriber mereka 5 hari sekali. Member juga tidak bisa menambahkan produk ke sistem MVS. Yang bisa menambahkan produk ke sistem MVS ini hanyalah pemilik MVS yang bersangkutan. Produk ini digunakan sebagai hadiah agar orang tertarik untuk bergabung di list kita.
Contoh squeeze page MVS bisa dilihat disini.
Jika Anda subscribe di squeeze page diatas, maka otomatis Anda akan menjadi member MVS yang gratis dan bisa mulai membangun list Anda, meskipun tanpa Autoresponder.
Teman saya Maurice Snell juga sudah menulis reviewnya tentang MVS ini. Maurice adalah seorang member di MVS saya, dan hingga postingan ini ditulis, Maurice adalah top refferer di MVS saya. Anda bisa baca reviewnya disini.
6/13/2008 07:07:00 AM | | 0 Comments
How to Build a Profitable Opt-In List
By Christina Lang
One of the most important aspects of having an online business is a good opt-in list. You've probably heard many success stories where people are making a fortune with opt-in lists and you've decided to have one of your own. From what you've read, you think you know everything there is to know and have tried many techniques, but you're still not able to make a profit.
In fact, you could be losing money by the minute, especially if you've hired writers to help you. You might also have a large list, but only a small percentage might actually buy from you. This will become apparent after a few months when you see your statistics and sales figures.
So what went wrong? Why have others succeeded where you've failed? The most common mistake diving into marketing without learning about the marketplace first. Chances are, you chose a topic you thought would be quite popular, but that wasn't the case. Simply sending email messages to people on your list doesn't mean they're going to buy from you - at least not right away.
If you've started an opt-in list and have failed, you can rejuvenate your campaign. If you're just getting started, here are a few quick tips.
1) It's crucial to make sure your customers trust you (and your products) before you try to sell anything to them. Simply launching a campaign to your opt-in list doesn't make you an overnight expert or a trusted resource. Before you create an opt-in list, start off by submitting some articles to article directories. Write about topics realted to your online business or that you have some knowledge about.
Join forums and provide expert advice and recommendations. As people begin to trust you, this will help you create your opt-in list. Additionally, you can build a base with other forum users by asking them to join your list. Post a link to your site so they can see what your business is all about.
The truth is, the money will come when your subscribers believe and trust you. People won't buy from your recommendation alone if they don't know you.
2) Find a product or service that people want and need. Whie it may not be your forte, if you provide a service and product that you have researched and learned about well, you can carry it forward.
While it's generally accepted that it's best to sell something you have an interest in, it would be a waste of time to sell something that only attracts a tiny audience. Do your research well and you're more likely to succeed. Also, give your subscribers promotional material that they can use (and might even give to their friends and/or associates).
3) Make friends with other opt-in list users. This is beneficial especially if this person has a successful opt-in list. You can benefit enormously from their experience. While there are many articles available (on the Internet) to use, there's nothing like getting a firsthand account from someone you trust. Experienced opt-in list users will be able to tell you what to do and what not to do.
Building a profitable opt-in list won't happen overnight. There are many steps to take. As your opt-in list grows, make sure to provide your users with quality content. Keep it organized and manageable. Get or hire help if need be, but above all, make sure your subscribers are happy and satisfied and they will be willing to buy from you in the long-term
6/12/2008 06:49:00 AM | | 0 Comments
Using Free Reports To Build Your List
by: kokuj1n
Other than pre-selling your products or services and affiliated offers, the other objective of your free viral report should be to build and organize your mailing list. Aside from other ezine marketing technique, this is another Internet marketing strategy that you can apply for you to generate contacts through email from potential clients.
The main reason for this, it is because, if you are unable to have your product pre-sell highlighted in your report, the final ditch should be leads collecting. If you can't make your reader into a ready buyer, then, you must try to make him into your report subscriber. Have your chances for marketing maximized up to the last strategy.
Through that strategy, you can have contacts and you can still utilize those for future reference. You can be still connected to these subscribers and you have the opportunity to convert these subscribers as your customers. In fact, this marketing strategy can generate customer that will stick to you for a long-period time. And this Internet marketing strategy will be of potential area for business income generation.
You make this by offering a lifetime update to your report or a unique notification list your subscriber will be enthusiastic in subscribing to, which can lead you to make him or her subscribed to your mailing list. This strategy really provides you an avenue to what really the value of strategy on Internet marketing. One of these, as mentioned, by using free reports to build your list.
However, to have above done effectively, you need to remember some of important things that must be considered for you to succeed in this Internet marketing strategy. To present to you, consider the following.
One of the success catalysts in viral marketing is to make your free report out of quality; nothing beats with substantial content, relevant to subscribers, informative and presenting reports that really matter. Of course, your subscribers find your report in substance and is worth for sharing to others, and if you encourage them and by waiving them the right to send your report away- to other possible subscribers, then the information, together with your marketing campaign will be pass around without of that effort in your part- the substance you put on your free report will make others to become willing to do that for you.
So, do you need effective Internet marketing strategy? Try using free report to build you list.
6/11/2008 08:25:00 AM | | 0 Comments
I Want To Create My Own eBook - How Do I Come Up With A Fantastic, Eye-Popping Title?
by: IMGuides
Do you already have a fantastic title written down for your ebook? No? Well, a good title will get noticed.
A GREAT title will grab readers by the throat and pull them into your sales opportunities.
In this article we will touch upon a few related tasks you will need to master to help you choose a title that will do some of the promotional work for you. It will look like an endless task, but it can be mastered the same way we all master step at a time.
You probably already have some idea about what you're going to write about. Your ebook title is the first thing your potential customers will see and it has to get their attention, make them read the sub-title and, then, read some more.
Picking your title is a very important step; one that truly contributes to the success of your project. Every time someone sees your title on affiliate websites, on specific forums relevant to your topic or in your email signature, it is effectively an ad for your ebook.
You want your ebook title to stand out and catch the browsing eyes of online browsers. If your title makes the potential customer stop and take a second look, you have a chance for a sale. If they skip over it, they are gone for good.
Choosing a catchy, interesting name is another creation process that has a few guidelines that, if followed, will focus you in the right direction.
The first point to remember is to make your title as specific as you can and direct it to a tightly defined target market. Specific titles will capture and hold your customer's attention long enough to read the next line of your sales page.
If you haven't done this already, decide who your customers will be. Who's going to buy your book? If you don't know this, you won't find your customers and they won't find you.
Using a keyword tracking tool can tell you how many people are searching for information on your subject. You select the keywords that are specific to your topic, enter them and see the results. Two useful resources are Wordtracker and Google Adwords: Keyword Tool. Check them out.
If your topic is "Square Dancing," for example, you would pick three or four words that directly relate to your topic...words that anyone looking for information on "Square Dancing" might use in a search engine. Entering "Square Dancing" in Google returned 170,000 related websites.
Now there's a gigantic resource you can tap to see what other authors and marketers are using for titles. Get your ideas where you find them! (Ideas cannot be copyrighted)
But, the topic "Square Dancing" is way too broad and non-specific to be effective for your ebook. You would need to identify what aspects of square dancing you are writing about in your ebook and focus on that in your title. Some suggestions, for this example: "How To Start A Square Dance Club Of Your Own" or "Don't Be Square At A Round Dance." See what I mean?
The whole message here is Focus, Focus, Focus! You will get that same message from any of hundreds of successful Internet Marketers. You're getting it free here.
Here's one last point before we move on to another aspect of creating your all-important title. Write down all ideas that pop into your mind when you are doing normal things, like watching TV, walking around the grocery store, dusting the books in your family room. One of them might be gold.
The last aspect of title creation is considering whether or not you need a subtitle. While your ebook's main title might be short and specifically focused to grab attention, a subtitle will answer the question, "What is this ebook all about?" or "Why do I need to read this?"
NEVER FORGET that those two questions really mean: "Why do I need to BUY this?" Answer it with your subtitle and provide the benefits the reader will find inside your ebook.
Here's the emotional question that's behind all decisions to buy anything: "What's In It For Me?" Answer that in your focused title and benefit-rich subtitle and you will make sales beyond your belief. Think about it. How many things do YOU buy if you don't need it or want it?
Here's something to keep in your mind:
Once you have a sales page for your ebook, be sure to add your signature to the bottom of every email you send out, even to family and friends. That signature should include the title of your ebook (hyperlinked to the sales page) and a few words that press your reader's curiosity buttons.
For example, if your title is "35 Fun Things To Do With A Radish," your signature line might read, "What do YOU do with radishes?"... ( your ebook title, hyperlinked ). This signature would catch the reader's attention, puzzle him some and, get a click to your sales page to find out.
Most email programs offer the option to add a signature to the emails you send out. It's all dead space at the end of your email; don't waste it.
By now, your head should be full of ways to create and use your ebook title to promote yourself and attract customers. You should understand the importance of subtitles in marketing your ebook. You know how to use your everyday email replies to spread the word about your new ebook. If not, try going back and reading this article again ;)
6/11/2008 08:19:00 AM | | 0 Comments
How To Think Up A Grand Plan For Your eBook And Structure Your Chapters
by: IMGuides
This article will concentrate on adding some structure to your eBook idea. We will be creating the GRAND PLAN that will define your ebook and make the writing process easier...a roadmap leading to your success. Exciting!!
Here we go!
Take a moment to recognize what images you have in your mind when you think of having your ebook completed. Can you see a picture of the finished product, like on all those websites with very pretty ebook covers? How about an image of $100 bills flying into your bank account? Are you seeing a new car in your garage, like you see on every other sales page you've ever visited?
Those are very stimulating end-of-the-creation-process images, but they might get you to rush through the next few steps and blow all your hard work right out the window. So, take a few minutes to daydream about your success and all the benefits it will bring to your life. Enjoy it for a few minutes and let's get back to the real work ahead of you.
The first undertaking you need to think about, and complete, is an outline of your ebook's layout. Think about this as designing your chapter structure. All successful ebooks have a simple and logical manner of organization. This organization includes very clear and concise sections of information that flow from the beginning to the end of your ebook. Those sections will become your chapter headings.
So, first, get some paper and let's brainstorm a little about those chapter headings. Write your favorite title at the top of the page. This will give you a mental anchor and strong focus on the steps to come...something concrete to write around.
Thinking about your topic, how do you want to present it to your readers? You have several options and they all have their benefits.
One way is to pick a list of basic facts or strong statements from your content pile or list of notes. If you don't have a pile of notes and content yet, just list the 5 or 6 or 10 major points you would like to cover in your ebook. Each statement or major point has to be revised to attract your reader and make them want to read the chapter.
For example: "How To Make Chocolate Chip Cookies" or "Quick Chocolate Chip Cookies To Delight Your Kids." Which one would you be more interested in reading?
Your task with this type of chapter headings is to make the points you listed interesting, intriguing or exciting. You can use slight twists on common phrases, a little bit of humor or some "drama" statement, like "How I Regained My Reputation After Making The Worst Batch of Cookies Ever Made." See what I mean?
Another technique, and often a very effective one, is to use questions as chapter headings. Then, you can fill the chapter with answers or solutions to the dilemma posed by the question. This is a simple technique to let you create some powerful chapters, full of great content for your readers.
Example: "Are Ants Running You Out Of Your Home?" Chapter contents: Discussion on why the ants are in your home, where they came from, both natural and chemical ways to get rid of them, strategies to keep them from returning and so on.
** Here's psychological a tip to keep in mind when you are creating your chapter headings: Look at the heading
"Are Ants Running You Out Of Your Home?"
There were specific reasons for choosing the two emotional words in there. "Running" insinuates hiding, escaping, danger and "Home" is where the heart is, so to speak. "Home" is a highly charged word that denotes safety, warmth, family, etc. It is totally emotional while "House" is not.
The chapter title would not have the same impact stated like this; "Are Ants Being A Nuisance In Your House?"or "Do You Have Ants In Your House?" See the difference?**
You can do this same process with any topic you want to do it with, over and over. Create some questions on your topic and research the answers. There's your ebook!
If you decide to use this technique on your own topic, start listing some problems and questions you've had in your life or in the lives of those around, friends, neighbors... that are pertinent to your topic. Everyone you know and everything you see or hear is a possible source of new content and a new ebook.
Do not get too far from your notebook. Start listening and watching. You will be surprised by how many ideas you can generate for future use. Do you think this first ebook is going to be your last one? I don't!
This step in your journey concludes with some notes on what to do with the outline you are creating. Work on it for a while (couple of hours or after dinner) until you think you've got it all in there. Put it away for the night and go hug your kids or something else relaxing.
When you come back to it tomorrow, new ideas will be popping out of your mind. Some of the fantastic chapter headings you loved yesterday will not seem so great today. That's normal. Make the additions, deletions, revisions and start listing content points under each chapter.
Do not stress over this step...just keep listing the points you think belong in each chapter. If you run out of steam, take a break and go to your favorite search engine for some more research. For a day or so, keep editing your chapters and shuffling your information points until you are satisfied. When you are, quit.
Don't you wish you'd paid more attention in school when your teachers were trying to teach you to focus and outline your essays and reports?
6/11/2008 08:09:00 AM | | 0 Comments
The Two Golden Rules When Writing eBooks For Profit
by: IMGuides
In this article, we are going to look at how to construct your eBook so that it has logical chapters and flows easily from start to finish. In order to do this, you will begin gathering and organizing your content into your own information product.
The 1st eBook Golden Rule: The REAL VALUE IS IN THE INFORMATION you are providing for those who want to buy it. Don't forget that as you gather information and start putting your pages and chapters together.
Let's start with some general tips for eBook organization.
Here's 10 to keep you focused and out of trouble:
- Keep your copy simple and do not use long sentences. Write in a conversational manner, like you talk.
- If you have to use long sentences, break them up into bulleted lists or divide separate thoughts into different paragraphs. Large blocks of text are difficult to read and do not have enough white space to give the reader's eyes a break.
- Try to convey the main point of each paragraph's message in the first 1 or 2 sentences so your reader doesn't have to hunt for the message.
- Write clearly and with some emotion. Don't be afraid to let you personality show through your words and allow your passion for your subject to break on through. Mind you, beware that your passionate approach doesn't actually turn into a sales letter ;) Save that for your sales page.
- Write with a smile on your face.
- Keep your tone light and friendly. Write the same way throughout your book. If your phrasing or tone changes, your readers will think someone else finished writing your eBook for you.
- Check your spelling, grammar and formatting. While you might be able to get away with one or two misspelled words, lots of them presents an unprofessional appearance to your reader and creates a doubt in their minds about the value of the information you are selling. Poor grammar makes you seem uneducated.
- Use subheadings to draw attention to your key points. They also help your reader look for specific information when they want to. A couple of line breaks on either side of the subheading adds white space on the page and actually highlights your following paragraphs...makes them stand out and seem important.
- Whether or not to use graphics (charts, screen shots, clip art, photos) is a personal choice. If the graphic has a specific use to emphasize a point or illustrate your meaning, use it. But don't just throw graphics in because they are cute or pretty - or, horror of horrors, to fill space.
- Use your outline to stay focused on your topic. Don't ramble off on some side road and then have a problem getting back on the highway. While a few quick side trips might add some interest to what you are writing, use them sparingly.
Let's start with your first chapter heading and the subheads...
Organise your research and information that apply to your 1st chapter under each subheading. Put them in order of relevance. When you get Chapter 1 sorted out, quickly do the same for the rest of your chapters.
Now, take a look at what you've done.
Are your chapters balanced? Does the material and the thoughts behind it (what you wanted to say to your readers) flow in an easy manner? Does the progression of your ideas make sense to you?
If not, move things around. If you are working on a computer, copy it and paste it where it belongs or select the portion that has your attention, then pick it up and move it. Computers make some tasks easy!
When you are happy with your current order, pick a chapter, any chapter (doesn't have to be Chapter 1), to begin filling out your pages. Here's where you select the tidbits of information you've gathered in the previous lessons and arrange them under the appropriate chapter headings or subheadings.
You can start writing your paragraphs right here and now. Use your outline, subheading and notes to guide you.
The 2nd eBook Golden Rule: CONTENT IS KING! Don't tie yourself up in details that don't matter, like page length. Keep your information focused and your presentation original and move on.
The page count isn't important. I've seen 10 page reports and eBooks that have made me go WOW! There was so much fantastic information packed in. Similarly, I've also read eBooks with 80+ pages that were just fluff and filler, with waffling info - and no real substance.
When you have your chapter written in a rough draft, save it and move on to the next chapter in your outline.
Writing (creating) can be very intense, particularly if this is your first journey into this process. It might be a good idea to take a break between chapters...take a walk, vacuum the floor, watch your favorite soap, make a treat for your kids...clear your head.
When you return to the next chapter you want to write, you will be refreshed and ready to do it again.
When you are finished writing the rough draft of your first eBook, you will have your newborn creation out of your mind and saved on your computer. It won't be pretty, so don't expect it to be. You will read it, revise it, tart it up, and probably wonder why you got into this project to start with. That's all normal, I promise.
This part of the eBook creation process is a lot like when your child roars into the room, wet, muddy and a total mess. You clean him up, change his clothes, plant a kiss and send him out to conquer another dragon. That's what you are learning to do here.
6/11/2008 08:05:00 AM | | 0 Comments
Can You Benefit From Traffic Exchanges?
by: citilynks
Just imagine, you could have five thousand visitors to your web site in the next 48 hours. Does that sound wonderful or what? And all this just for visiting a few sites yourself and "exchanging" traffic. Sounds like a low cost way to generate some sales, doesn't it? The only investment is your time.
Traffic exchanges are an interesting concept about bringing visitors to your website, but are they effective? You might receive traffic, but will that traffic generate sales? This article will explore the basics of traffic exchanges and a few strategies to apply if you think that route is for you.
Basically it's an "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" concept. Traffic exchanges allow web site marketers to earn credits and have their sites advertised to an entire community consisting of several thousand members of the same exchange. Webmasters earn credits by surfing through other websites within the traffic exchange system. On the surface it sounds wonderful, doesn't it? You can go from being an obscure little web site nobody has ever heard of to having thousands of hits on your page in a very short time.
The question you have to ask yourself, as you should with any traffic generation scheme, is will that traffic bring any new customers? You'll have people clicking into your site, but will they stay long enough to read your great content or hear about your valuable offer? Well, let's look at it another way.
You'll be earning points by visiting the web sites of other traffic exchange members. The more sites you visit, the more points you'll get for exposure of your own site. So will you be spending much time at each of the sites you visit? Will you be reading all the articles and examining all the special offers you'll come across? Or, will you be clicking on as many web sites as you possibly can so you can earn more and more points and exposure for your own site?
I'm not saying there might not be traffic exchange programs out there which will be good for your web site. What I am saying is you should think through what is being offered. Are there real testimonials you can validate of people who actually made more sales because of a traffic exchange program? Sure, they might have had tons of new visitors, but what is the bottom line? Was it good traffic that spent money?
Is the investment of your time worth the return? Only you can decide.
6/11/2008 07:57:00 AM | | 0 Comments
How You Can Get Paid for Online Survey
You have most likely seen "get paid for online surveys" ads all over the web. You are most likely wondering right now whether they are really true. Yes, they are true alright. You really can get paid for online surveys. While there may be scam sites out there, there are a lot more who actually pay and thousands of online users who actually do earn with this work from home opportunity.
Paid surveys are one of the leading online industries today. In fact, there are many companies that pay big money in order to get customer feedback, do market research, and to know the opinion of the general public about their company. Companies usually pay millions, and would like to find out whether the money they spend with their advertisement efforts is worth it. Giving you a few dollars in exchange for your time is nothing as compared to the money they spend for advertising, and it is not that much of a big deal for them.
You can take advantage of the benefits of this leading industry and get paid for online survey right today. What you want is to register with sites that have the right clients - clients who pay big and clients who give out lots of surveys. You can expect a range anywhere from $2 to $50. The pay will depend on the company conducting the survey, the survey site, the duration of the survey, the extent of information they get, among many other factors. Expect other companies who will not pay in cash but instead reward you with points which are convertible to cash, discounts or merchandise. Still, a few others may only reward you with sweepstake entries, which may not be a bad idea at all considering the odds.
The manner or method by which you get paid for online survey varies from one site to another. There are some sites which send your pay through online payment site such as PayPal. There are some who send you checks right after filling out the survey. You should make sure that you read their terms and conditions before you starting.
When looking for opportunities online, you will for sure encounter one or two who will offer you survey databases which they claim to be the best among the best, for a price of $35 to $50. It may sound tempting at first, but there are free sites which you may want to check out before shelling out some cash. Looking through sites yourself may lead to some poor-paying and non-paying surveys every now and then, but you will most likely find most sites included in the paid survey database as well. However, if you have some money to spare and less time to look around, you can go ahead and get one to help you get paid for online survey right away.
Yes, you can actually get paid for online survey. But the amount you earn largely depends on your effort and your game plan. So, start working now and find out how much you can earn extra through these online opportunities.
Article Source:
6/11/2008 04:09:00 AM | | 0 Comments
How You Can Get Paid for Online Survey
You have most likely seen "get paid for online surveys" ads all over the web. You are most likely wondering right now whether they are really true. Yes, they are true alright. You really can get paid for online surveys. While there may be scam sites out there, there are a lot more who actually pay and thousands of online users who actually do earn with this work from home opportunity.
Paid surveys are one of the leading online industries today. In fact, there are many companies that pay big money in order to get customer feedback, do market research, and to know the opinion of the general public about their company. Companies usually pay millions, and would like to find out whether the money they spend with their advertisement efforts is worth it. Giving you a few dollars in exchange for your time is nothing as compared to the money they spend for advertising, and it is not that much of a big deal for them.
You can take advantage of the benefits of this leading industry and get paid for online survey right today. What you want is to register with sites that have the right clients - clients who pay big and clients who give out lots of surveys. You can expect a range anywhere from $2 to $50. The pay will depend on the company conducting the survey, the survey site, the duration of the survey, the extent of information they get, among many other factors. Expect other companies who will not pay in cash but instead reward you with points which are convertible to cash, discounts or merchandise. Still, a few others may only reward you with sweepstake entries, which may not be a bad idea at all considering the odds.
The manner or method by which you get paid for online survey varies from one site to another. There are some sites which send your pay through online payment site such as PayPal. There are some who send you checks right after filling out the survey. You should make sure that you read their terms and conditions before you starting.
When looking for opportunities online, you will for sure encounter one or two who will offer you survey databases which they claim to be the best among the best, for a price of $35 to $50. It may sound tempting at first, but there are free sites which you may want to check out before shelling out some cash. Looking through sites yourself may lead to some poor-paying and non-paying surveys every now and then, but you will most likely find most sites included in the paid survey database as well. However, if you have some money to spare and less time to look around, you can go ahead and get one to help you get paid for online survey right away.
Yes, you can actually get paid for online survey. But the amount you earn largely depends on your effort and your game plan. So, start working now and find out how much you can earn extra through these online opportunities.
Article Source:
6/11/2008 03:58:00 AM | | 0 Comments
Is It A Good Idea?
First-time small business owners usually are chary of unsecured start up loans. This is because the time frame for making a profit is not definite whether or not there is a properly thought out and lucrative business plan in place for the future business.
When profits or revenues do not materialize per plans, as in most cases, there is danger of default on loan repayment. When this happens credit rating of the person involved gets degraded as unsecured loans are granted on the basis of credit and borrowing history of the business owner.
And if there is bad credit history behind, he/she can very well forget that small business loan. Let's discuss some more aspects of unsecured small business start up loans.
Some Facts
If the credit history of 'to be' small business owner is good, unsecured start-up business loans are easier to avail as compared to other business loans. But it is better to go for secured loans against property or equipment affiliated with the business. Secured loan not only keeps personal credit rating intact but poses lesser risks for the business owners, because they can use the hypothecated equipment to generate a profit for the business. As a result the loan can be paid back on time. Not just that, secured loans are for longer tenure and come with lesser interest rate burden, thereby lowering the cost of loan.
But if you have decided to apply for unsecured small business start-up loans, you should be careful about the requested amount. Remember, the more you owe on the loan (including interest), the more will be the money which you have to repay.
If you are not exactly sure how well the business will do in the first year and want to keep your credit rating good, it is best to request a small amount for your unsecured start-up business loan. This will make sure that repayment installments are small and if you are punctual in repaying, you can always ask for more, which will be gladly given.
Some Advice
Before you apply for an unsecured business start-up loan, there are several things that you should keep in mind.
First of all, you will need to convince the lender that it is a good decision to issue the loan to you. Since unsecured loans are based on your credit and repayment history, you will have to convince lenders that you can handle your personal finances in an organized fashion. Good credit record will put lenders at ease since they will be able to see your repayment history on your credit report.
Since lenders will be looking at your credit report, you should maintain a positive report as far as possible. If you know that you owe certain lenders, you should try to settle these debts or set up a payment plan with your creditors. This will be visible on your report.
Before you make any final decisions about unsecured start-up loans for business, be sure to speak to an accountant or a representative from your local bank. This will make sure that you are applying for the right loans which would help your business to develop quickly and steadily. You must not take a decision unless you are convinced.
Article Source:
6/11/2008 03:55:00 AM | | 1 Comments
Employment Background Check
New Web Portal Reveals Facts Every Citizen Should Know About U.S. Public Records
Long, endless days spent at the local courthouse while searching for U.S. public documents such as titles, liens, arrest warrants, and other records might be a thing of the past. educates citizens and agencies about a new way to find public records.
Research experts are now turning to the Web for public records and documents and finding their searches to be easier and faster than ever before. A new Web portal called reveals facts about this process and gives every citizen a glance into the procedures of public record research.
The Web portal about U.S. public records was designed to educate the general public as well as companies and agencies about a public service that has become the backbone of most financial and legal procedures in our society. Public records are used in just about every major transaction today, whether business or personal," states Marc Gaines of Public records are documents compiled by agencies and public offices as well as the federal government that are made available to the general public. They are used to verify information such as criminal backgrounds, real estate purchases and ownership, vehicle ownership, death records, tax liens, bankruptcy files, and court decisions.
Some examples of when public records might be needed include real estate transactions, motor vehicle purchases, court trials, certain business transactions, financial loans and mortgages, hiring for employment, and property value assessments.
To research public records in the past, one would typically visit their local courthouse or some other office. But with the Web becoming a staple in today's business and legal world, the federal government, along with many agencies and companies, is now making most public records available on the Internet. This gives agencies and individuals an opportunity to find public records from their own home or office while saving time and money. delves into the facts many citizens do not know or understand such as how public records are collected, why background checks are needed, and why a U.S. citizen's personal information is not always private.
More information about public records and how they work is available at the Web site below:
First Background Check Directory - All You Need in One Place
If you are beginning to apply for a job, you may wonder what exactly an employment background In actuality, it is not just each separate business that sets its' own standards for employment screening. There is an Act, which oversees employment-screening standards known as the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
This Fair Credit Reporting Act considers a background check as a consumer report. Even before an employer can receive a consumer report for the purposes of employment screening, the employer needs to have written authorization from the subject. For simpler inquiries, the employer should still seek your consent.
You have the right to withdraw application for the position if you do not want information disclosed. This gives you, as a potential employee, a right to decide for yourself if a certain position or is a job worth the disclosure of particular information about personal life.
It is in your right to dispute any errors in data in a report. Once the employer receives the background report results and chooses not to hire you due to information in it, the employer is required to provide you with a pre-adverse action disclosure, which contains your rights and a report copy.
After this, they must inform you that they are not hiring you and include the address and name of the Consumer Reporting Agency, which provided the data because you have a right to dispute any errors in their data, per Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
At the very least, an employment background check includes social security number verification. More detailed employment background checks may even contain a work history analysis, complete credit report, and names of references.
Criminal history, driving records, and payment of credit records may also be included. The background inquiries are always associated with the nature of the job applied. If, you are applying to work as a cashier, trying to figure out if you had a prior conviction in the past for stealing is not a far stretch of information that an employer may want to know.
However, that there is various information sources, which in any case can be part of a comprehensive background check. There are multiple states, which do not permit inquiries concerning certain convictions or arrests before a particular period. Other states will not allow inquiries regarding criminal history for particular positions.
Also, as an applicant you should be aware that employers are not allowed to base their hiring choices on a potential employee's disabilities, which is why they may not ask for medical records. Your capability to perform the tasks for a particular position is what they may ask about as well.
Article Source:
About the Author: If you are an applicant, you should be aware of your own information. It may sound strange, but it is actually a very smart thing to do is perform a personal online background check before applying for any employment, before Human Resources (HR). This is for your safety as well, because you do not want any errors during your HR Background Check All You Need in One Place.
6/11/2008 03:52:00 AM | | 0 Comments
The Online Business Reality
by: Arvinder Jeet Singh
According to a recent Harris poll, 72% of American households are thinking about starting a home based business. This is quite frankly a staggering statistic. Almost three quarters of Americans are unsatisfied with their current employment situation for one reason or another. Many of these unsatisfied workers are turning to the Internet to fuel their work from home dream jobs.
Quitting the never ending rat race is a personal decision that many work from home entrepreneurs face. Their reasons for wanting to work from home vary. Some people find that they simply have no other choice but to work out of their home office. Perhaps they have to take care of their elderly parents or their children, or they themselves are house-bound. Some people are retired and find that finally having an opportunity to spend time in their own home is a huge comfort and joy. Even college kids, stay at home spouses, and those recently downsized are finding that the Internet is simply the best option for starting and running a profitable home based business.
Working from home is a serious commitment that all entrepreneurs should consider. However, they must be aware of the negatives and risks of the Internet. The Internet is fraught with get rich quick schemes. It is also overflowing with misleading business building hype and flat out work from home lies. Any program or opportunity that promises big bucks with little work is a fraud. Proper research and common sense should eliminate many frauds and scams. Developing a solid Internet business requires partnerships with strong and professional companies.
Building a real business, no matter what kind of business, requires hard work. That's the bad news. The good news is there has never been a better time to start a business from home because the Internet makes it a low-cost and low-risk venture. Building an online business or work from home business does not require massive amounts of start up capital. With that said, it is possible to over spend on your business simply by neglecting the research.
Learning about web hosting companies and traffic building strategies in the beginning of your work from home business plan is a tremendous positive step. There are many web hosting companies that offer cheap domains and seemingly endless features. The problem many web entrepreneurs face is they invest in the wrong web hosting company at the start up phase of their business. They soon discover that they have not built an online business. They have simply built an online brochure that sits unvisited by the millions of web surfers. Now they must invest more and more money into building a bigger and better site, or paying a firm to optimize their web pages, or paying a search engine to display their ads.
A web business that sits unvisited is not a business at all. Online entrepreneurs know they need an income to be successful. They also realize that building an online business is a series of steps. They must rank well in the search engines by providing excellent content filled web pages. In return for ranking so well, the search engines send droves of targeted customers to the online business. Now that the online business has customers, it can begin to develop a relationship with them. It warms the customer by creating a welcoming and personal feel. All of the great information and the atmosphere of the website will build a trust between the business and its customer. It is this relationship of that leads to profitability.
Forget the long string of classic work at home dead-end jobs like envelope-stuffing and telemarketing. Use the Web to build something terrific that excites you, a business to be proud of, that you own, and that earns you substantial income. Working from home rewards entrepreneurs in so many ways. If you are interested in an online business or a work at home business, you must be smart enough to do the research. You may receive a free step-by-step guide to building your online and work at home business by visiting the author's website.
6/11/2008 01:30:00 AM | | 0 Comments
Choose the best affiliate program!
by: sukhjeet
Joining an Affiliate Program is a great way to start earning a sizeable income on the Internet without many of the hassles that come with running your own business.
But the problem is… there are so much affiliate programs out there for you.
1. Find a great quality product or service
Remember that any recommendation you make will reflect directly on you. If you recommend a great quality product, the people you recommended will always trusted you and be interested in future recommendations that you make. If you recommend a bad quality product, I can guarantee that they will likely hesitate to act on any offers you recommend.
Do not get greedy. Only recommend products that you truly believe in.
2. Look for a program that offers top commissions.
I think it is perfectly reasonable for you to expect to be paid 30% to 50% of the profits on each product sold. 5% to 10% is very low. You should look for companies who understand the "lifetime value" of new customers you refer and appreciate your efforts.
Only consider joining programs that show a similar level of respect for their affiliates.
3. Make sure they have a high sales conversion ratio.
Make sure that the affiliate program is turning a reasonable number of visitors into sales. If not, then your efforts directing traffic to their website will be completely wasted. A 1% conversion ratio (1 out of every 100 visitors) is quite good, 2%+ is better.
4. be sure you will be credited for every sale you make.
You should find out what kind of tracking software the Affiliate Program that you are interested in joining uses. You MUST look for a program that uses quality affiliate tracking software that is reliable and tracks ALL (online, by phone, fax, mail orders, etc), because there are many companies only track online orders, and this means that you will never get credit for anywhere from 5% - 10% of your affiliate sales!.
Make sure they have a high sales conversion ratio and good tracking software.
5. They should allow you to access your sales statistics real time. What I mean is that the Affiliate Program you join should give you a special username and password that you can use to access your own personal affiliate sales information right on their website. Many affiliate programs have done this, you do not have to worry about that, but in case they don't, you should think twice about joining them
6. Look for a program that teaches you to maximize your affiliate sales.
A good affiliate program will provide you with everything you need to be successful. They will provide you with traffic-generating banners, text-links, and recommendation letter templates. They will tell you which techniques work well in which circumstances.
Find an affiliate program that is similarly dedicated to educating their affiliates.
7. Make sure they are reputable.
I still feel I should mention the importance of doing business with a reputable company. I know many people, who have worked hard, made a lot of sales for a company, but then they have never been paid or forced to wait months and months to get their money, I have been there too. If you have any concerns about a company that you are thinking of doing business with, ask for references and do some checks on them before you join them.
8. Be sure to read all contracts and agreements.
Before you join any affiliate program, just make sure that you read all contracts and agreements very carefully. Pay very close attention to exclusivity clauses in the agreement. Be careful that any affiliate agreement or contract you sign does not restrict you.
6/11/2008 12:56:00 AM | | 0 Comments
How to blog your business
by: chanchal1
A blog is a Web log, an online journal. Blogs started out as online diaries, in which diarists shared their everyday lives with the world. From their beginnings as a weird Web fad in 1998, blogs have moved on, and are well on the way to becoming a standard business tool.
Why? Because in February 2003 bought Pyra Labs, the company which owns the Blogger weblogging tool., one of the main sites providing blog software and hosting, boasted a million hosted web logs in early 2003.'s interest in blogs indicates that blogs are mainstream. A blog help your business in many ways, depending on whether you create a private or a public blog. Blogs are so useful that you will want to create both.
Your business's private, internal blog
These days, no one works alone. Even if you are a solo business operator, you have colleagues --- partners, contractors, and suppliers with whom you communicate daily. A private blog makes working with a group easier, because you can streamline your interactions, saving time and energy.
A private blog can contain notes to yourself, or to colleagues. It's a place to store information and tips that might not warrant a special email message. You can post information like meeting notes, project tasks and summaries, and updated price lists. You can also post links to large files --- no need to email, fax, or mail them to and fro.
Your blog is more useful than email, because blog postings are dated, and easily searchable. You can post a message you want everyone to read, and the message stays on the blog. With email, you read and delete, or read and forget.
If you've worked on a project with someone in another state or on the other side of the world, you've blessed email, because it makes sharing information so easy. Using a blog to share information is even easier than using email.
Your business's public blog
A business blog is a marketing tool. A blog can add value to your Web site, or it can take the place of a Web site. Look on it as a combination "What's New" Web site page, and an online journal.
Because of a blog's freewheeling nature, it's friendly and relaxed.
If you do not have a site, your blog's a place to put your online CV, portfolio and client list. You can, and should, use your blog to express your personality and expertise.
If you have a Web site, your blog page builds loyalty, because if you provide interesting content, your visitors will return to your site. And because it is a Web page, your blog will appear on search engines, attracting new clients.
Google has been treating blogs differently from other Web pages for a couple of years. Whereas it takes a standard Web page/ site a month to be indexed by Google, blogs are indexed daily. This means that your blog is mega-cheap advertising. You can post something on your blog and have it indexed by Google within a day.
6/11/2008 12:45:00 AM | | 0 Comments
How to find great bargains at the flea market
Even the designers on TV are doing it; finding great furnishing at flea-markets, charity shops, and yard sales. Often, a wonderful piece of furniture can be had for mere dollars, especially if its finish is in desperate need of some TLC. Unfortunately, the design shows on TV don’t show you all the proper steps for refreshing your finds. Take the time to do it right, and your “new” furniture will have friends wondering where you shop!
- Safety first: Before you disturb any painted surface, you should think about the possibility of lead. Lead paint additives were phased out in the 1970’s and 80’s. If you suspect lead is present in any paint, you can find information about safety precautions and testing at, or by calling the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD. Even with newer surfaces, I find that a dust mask is always in order when sanding. Your lungs will thank you.
- Sanding: Not all pieces will require sanding before repainting. My mantra is to leave well enough alone when dealing with old paint surfaces. If, however, the paint is chipped, peeling, crackling, or has other problems, you might not be able to avoid the sandpaper. A small electric hand sander is my best friend for these situations. A very light sanding (really just scuffing) can help your new paint adhere to old oil paint or a glossy surface.
- Prep, prep, prep: The number one reason for paint failures is incorrect preparation. Time spent on prep will ensure you get a good result in the end. Make sure the surface is completely clean and dust free before you ever get the paint out of the can. If you have sanded the surface, remove dust with a tack cloth. This is a small piece of cheesecloth soaked in wax, available at your local home improvement store in the paint section. They cost around one dollar…get several to keep on hand for the next project! If you can’t find one, several thorough passes with a damp cloth followed by another pass with a dusting cloth can do the job. Most importantly, don’t rush your prep work.
- Taping: Carefully tape off any areas you don’t want painted, and burnish the tape edges down once, firmly, with a fingernail. If you think you might have to leave the tape on for more than a day or so, use a lower adhesion tape made for delicate surfaces.
- Priming: If the piece is unpainted, consider a coat of primer before you paint. There are excellent primers specifically made for stone and metal. Tell your paint store rep what you’re painting and follow her advice. Use a good latex or oil-based primer for wood surfaces. Some wood grains (pine or cheaper grades of oak, for example) may “rise” after a first coat of latex, and priming improves the chances that you can avoid this. The raised grain will feel rough. If this happens, you’ll need to sand the grain down lightly and prime again. Don’t worry; it’s not as bad as it sounds when you know what happened!
- Painting: Finally, time to paint! Use a good quality paint brush. Be careful not to overload your brush with paint and put it on too thickly. This is a common mistake. Painting in thick layers can lead to ugly drips, cracks, or drying delays. Instead, paint in thin coats, allowing time for each coat to dry completely before recoating. This will give you a beautiful and strong surface.
- Curing: Follow the instructions on your paint can to make sure your new furniture is safely cured before you begin to use it or place objects on top of it. Paints, latex in particular, can feel dry well before they really are. When in doubt, I like to wait 24-48 hours before I place my newly painted flea-market beauties into service.
Now, enjoy your new furnishings. Use them well and never fear; if they get chipped or you tire of the color, you know how to fix it!
6/04/2008 08:08:00 AM | Labels: Small Business | 0 Comments
How to blog your business
A blog is a Web log, an online journal. Blogs started out as online diaries, in which diarists shared their everyday lives with the world. From their beginnings as a weird Web fad in 1998, blogs have moved on, and are well on the way to becoming a standard business tool.
Why? Because in February 2003 bought Pyra Labs, the company which owns the Blogger weblogging tool., one of the main sites providing blog software and hosting, boasted a million hosted web logs in early 2003.'s interest in blogs indicates that blogs are mainstream. A blog help your business in many ways, depending on whether you create a private or a public blog. Blogs are so useful that you will want to create both.
Your business's private, internal blog
These days, no one works alone. Even if you are a solo business operator, you have colleagues --- partners, contractors, and suppliers with whom you communicate daily. A private blog makes working with a group easier, because you can streamline your interactions, saving time and energy.
A private blog can contain notes to yourself, or to colleagues. It's a place to store information and tips that might not warrant a special email message. You can post information like meeting notes, project tasks and summaries, and updated price lists. You can also post links to large files --- no need to email, fax, or mail them to and fro.
Your blog is more useful than email, because blog postings are dated, and easily searchable. You can post a message you want everyone to read, and the message stays on the blog. With email, you read and delete, or read and forget.
If you've worked on a project with someone in another state or on the other side of the world, you've blessed email, because it makes sharing information so easy. Using a blog to share information is even easier than using email.
=> Your business's public blog
A business blog is a marketing tool. A blog can add value to your Web site, or it can take the place of a Web site. Look on it as a combination "What's New" Web site page, and an online journal.
Because of a blog's freewheeling nature, it's friendly and relaxed.
If you do not have a site, your blog's a place to put your online CV, portfolio and client list. You can, and should, use your blog to express your personality and expertise.
If you have a Web site, your blog page builds loyalty, because if you provide interesting content, your visitors will return to your site. And because it is a Web page, your blog will appear on search engines, attracting new clients.
Google has been treating blogs differently from other Web pages for a couple of years. Whereas it takes a standard Web page/ site a month to be indexed by Google, blogs are indexed daily. This means that your blog is mega-cheap advertising. You can post something on your blog and have it indexed by Google within a day.
6/04/2008 08:04:00 AM | Labels: Small Business | 0 Comments
What Google Looks For in Potential Acquisitions
Today I attended the XMediaLab event in Wellington New Zealand (my hometown).
To Duterme, who is in the New Business Development group at Google in Mountain View, was here talking about innovation. Tom's job is to travel around the world looking for acquisitions for Google, so it was interesting to hear what things he looks for in startups.
Imagination is key, he advised -- see the Einstein quote at the end of this post. But also there are three things which startups should take advantage of: hammers (tools), wires (broadband), rucksacks (storage).
For the 'hammer' category, he was referring to tools. In the Internet age, things like games (e.g. flash), video (e.g. hd camcorders), music (e.g. garage band), web (e.g. blogs, vlogs). These tools are all cheap and the distribution is open and free (e.g. youtube, social networks, rss).
The next concept was 'wires'. That is, broadband. It is getting faster and Tom said that "speed is not the barrier" (or at least that is the trend). He noted that there will be a generation soon that "will never know the concept of waiting" - streaming will be instantaneous, speed will be a non-issue.
The third concept was 'rucksacks', by which he meant storage. In 1992 a Gigabyte cost $4000, in 2000 it cost $20 and in 2008 just $0.30. So, he said, storage will become a non-issue too.
He said that in 50 years time this era of the Web will be thought of as a renaissance, an age of great creativity. The Internet itself is still very early, in it's 'startup' age.
It's obvious then that Google looks for acquisitions that will take advantage of the above 3 things. But how do startups commercialize those ideas? Tom had this advice:
- Collaboration - get the right people on your team.
- Fulfilling user needs should be the focus - 70-80% of ideas that fail do so because of lack of user focus. Google places a lot of emphasis on this, said Tom.
- Iterate often ("Big will not beat small anymore. It will be fast beating slow"; quote from Rupert Murdoch).
He ended by saying that imagination is better than knowledge, referencing a quote by Einstein: "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
6/04/2008 05:55:00 AM | Labels: Tools | 0 Comments
Top Google in Record Time in 2 Simple Steps!
By Michael Small
I got into search engine optimization back in 1998. It sure has changed a lot since then. Back in the day you could use invisible text, load keywords to the point of overflowing and fill META tags with anything even close to what you had on your page. And you could do well on Google, Yahoo, Alta Vista; all the biggies. Not anymore.
Today SEO is about a 75% / 25% split between links and content, with inbound links being the most important thing. Especially on Google. When all is said and done, you can get to the top of Google in just two simple steps. Seriously. I've done it hundreds of times and it's easier than you'd imagine.
Generate Leads - Close More Deals!
Step 1: Develop Great Content
Writing great SEO content is a snap if you follow this simple 5 step formula...
- Write naturally as if speaking with a friend. Record yourself actually speaking to a friend about the topic of your Web page and it will all come together automatically.
- Limit each page to 2 to 3 keywords or keyword phrases.
- Mention each keyword no more than 4 times per page and split the usage somewhat equally between paragraphs. Two mentions of your most important keyword in the first paragraph is the only real exception. And be sure you mention each toward the end of the page to show overall consistency and topic authenticity.
- Try to incorporate the first mention of each keyword into hyperlink anchor text. The link should lead to another page of your site. (Note: The keyword would then be the clickable text leading to your other page.)
- Have between 150 and 250 words of text per keyword. So if you have 3 keywords on one page, you will have about 600 words on that page, in total.
That's the quick and dirty SEO content writers course. And believe me, it works!
Step 2: Link Like the Pros (Part 1; Strategize)
Linking is a bit more involved. The main thing to remember is that you want as many high quality, topic relevant links as you can get. And you want them all using the same exact URL since Google sees URLs that begin with "http://www" differently than links that begin with just "www". In other words, even if you have 200 links to your page, if they are split between URL formats, you are not getting full credít for the links. SiteProNews: More Articles, Blog Posts & Interaction
The SPN website has a new look and feel with social interaction features, keyword & category search, RSS feeds and relevant blog posts by some of the Web's top writers. Visit the new and improved SiteProNews today
And forget all that stuff about links to the homepage being "a must." Sure, having inbound links go to your homepage is great but Google has smartened up. They figure your site overall is probably not that great if nobody bothers linking to your actual content pages. While it's true that Google ranks pages rather than sites, they do still base each of your page's worth on its supporting pages.
I won't bore you with a bunch of techno babble. In short, if you keep this in mind, you'll always be ahead of the game:
- Inbound links should be from pages containing relevant content of a similar nature.
- Links to your pages from outside pages with high Google PageRank (GPR) are most desirable. (Note: GPR is NOT the page's position on Google. It is a value, from 1 to 10, that Google assigns to all Webpages.)
- Links from (not to) a homepage are typically most valuable, unless they have a higher GPR page to link from. Focus on the GPR. If you use software like that mentioned below, it will do all this automatically. If you do it all manually, get the free Google Toolbar. GPR is shown for every page (that has any) on the Internet.
- Inbound links to your pages should feature your keyword as the anchor text triggering the hyperlink (keyword is the clickable part leading to your page.)
- Do NOT use generic text for your link's surrounding content. Make the sentence as relevant as possible.
- Use as many variations of your link's surrounding content as possible so the search engines don't view your inbound links as duplicate content.
Step 2: Link Like the Pros (Part 2; Do It)
As far as actually getting great links, avoid the automated script based reciprocal link services. A lot of these services link your pages to "gray barred" pages, which means your site can get kicked off Google as well. And to be honest, reciprocal links are not nearly as valuable to Google as they once were, especially the junk link pages most of these services create.
If you want the "set it and forget it" convenience of a linking service, but not the problems I just mentioned, you might want to try one like Although I'm not a fan of any linking service, this one is the best I've come across so far. They set it up so your page links to another, which links to a third, which links to you. There is no direct reciprocal beeline back to your page and each link is counted as a one way inbound link by Google, which is the most valuable type of link.
Of course, natural linking is the way to go whenever possible. Google LOVES links that are part of page content (see the anchor text notes above.) And getting great links like this is easier than ever with the right software so don't sweat the time or effort. Both are minimal.
The product a lot of SEO pros use (myself included) is SEO Elite. It works great as both a full function link building tool and ranking checker for all major search engines. Even if you don't need the app, take advantage of the free videos on the site. They explain special linking considerations, like special reserved commands such as "allinanchor" and how to find Google "Authority sites." You can still benefit from the information, even without the tool.
Big Tip: When approaching other sites for links, try to get your link as anchor text in the actual page content, or a margin. Also do their link that way and explain the benefits and how much Google loves this type of natural content linking.
So there you have it; everything you need to get your pages on top of Google in record time. Best of luck. You'll do great!
About The Author
Mike Small is a ten year veteran SEO specialist with thousands of top search engine rankings to his credít. He is the author of seven SEO books and founder of .
6/04/2008 05:49:00 AM | Labels: SEO | 0 Comments