Article Marketing to Gain Traffic
Article marketing has become very popular and for good cause. People come to the Internet for one of two reasons. They either want to buy something or they want information on something. If you provide a product and then in depth information about that product, then you are going to be helping yourself gain twice the amount of traffic for your site. Article marketing can be used in a variety of different ways including:
• Adding articles to your site for fresh content
• Adding articles to a blog to drive traffic to your site
• Adding articles to article directories to drive traffic to your site
It is important to remember that your articles need to have useful information in them. You also do not want your articles to be salesy and pushy. These should be informative articles that leave your readers wanting more information from you and will then cause them to want to visit your website to find out what you are all about.
Search Engines Like Fresh Content
There are tons of websites on the Internet and many of them are stagnant and useless. The search engines do not like these sites, so they are often indexed at the bottom of the rankings. If you throw up a website and never change it, then it is likely that your stagnated website is also going to end up at the bottom and nobody will ever know it exists. This is obviously not the way to generate web traffic. To keep the search engines interested in moving you up the page ranks, you have to provide them with fresh meat in the form of fresh content. This is where useful articles come into play.
If you post informative articles on your website, then you are adding fresh content to your site. It is best if you do this slowly. You can add a page a day or a couple pages every few days. This will depend on how much time you have to update your site. You are always better off feeding the search engines slowly rather than overwhelming them with several pages all at once. By feeding them slowly, you keep them lingering around your site. This is one way that articles can help you to gain traffic.
The search engines also like blogs, especially This service allows you to set-up as many free blogs as you want and Google loves this site. They index blogs very quickly and if you provide useful and keyword optimized content on your blog, then you are going to find that you attract a lot of attention from the search engines. Always be sure that you have a link to drive people to your actual website and you will begin generating traffic in no time. Because the popular blog suppliers are ranked high in the page rankings, everything they are associated with gets spidered and indexed as well. The search engines love the fresh new content and they hang around on blogs for extended periods of time. Plus, anything else that you have linked into your blog will get spidered as well. Every time you update your blog, you will be bumped to the top of your section for the category or tags that you have selected. If you select your tags carefully and use popular keywords, you may be receive sudden surges of traffic. You can then channel that into your product pages and the main site of your blog and website.
Blogs are very popular and easy to maintain. The website portion is already taken care of for you and all you have to do is use the forms to add posts. Microsoft Office 2007 also makes it easy to update your blogs. You can choose new blog post, type it up and supply your login information through Microsoft Word 2007. The program will then post your blog onto your blog without you having to actually go there. This is a great way to add several blog posts to your site quickly. The ease of updating a blog is one reason why they are such a popular form of promotion. You can post blogs within a matter of minutes and search engines love this new and fresh content.
Many people will add to their blogs several times per day. A blog is similar to a website. The more you feed it consistently the more attention you will attract from the search engines. However, don’t forget that you need to have at least a concluding paragraph in your postings that will then send people to your site to learn more about you. Another great way to get attention on your blog is to post comments on other blogs. By doing this you can include a signature file that links to your blog or your main website. You can also post comments with links that suggest visitors check out another page if they are interested in learning more about a particular subject.
Another way to create traffic through blogs is to have multiple blogs on different niches. Each blog can be optimized for a different keyword. You can use each blog to promote for that keyword only and then find a way to funnel that traffic into your main site or product pages.
Article Directories
Another great way to get noticed is to publish your articles in article directories. These articles must be very informative. You also want them to be around 300 to 500 words. These articles should be easy to read and should have a conclusion that leaves the reader wanting to learn and read more. At the bottom of the article you will have a resource box. This is a box that tells a little bit about you and your business. It should also include a link to your website so that people can click on it and find out more about your products or services.
When writing for article directories you have the option of keyword optimizing or not. Many people choose not to, but by optimizing your articles you are increasing your chances for generating traffic for that keyword. Article directories are popular and the search engines spend a lot of time indexing their information. If you are using good keywords, then your articles are going to get noticed. Also, the keywords will also be picked up by the actual directory’s search engine, which increases the chances of someone reading your article.
3/18/2008 08:29:00 PM | Labels: Traffic |
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